Highlighting of a Harlequin poison dart frog (Oophaga histrionica) through a zen and timeless composition
Skin and Shadows | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Portrait of a Boa constrictor imperator curled up with itself
The Beading Project | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Juvenile bug walking on a vine gimlet decorated with droplets
The Loch Ness Monster | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Cope's Vine Snake (Oxybelis brevirostris) have some bath, and making me feel as the famous picture of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster well known in the Scottish folklore
The Llanos Eyes | The Llanos, Colombia
The fascinating eyes of the veined tree frog (Trachycephalus typhonius) in form of black crosshair, shining through the vegetation
Titan's Fight | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Two Rhino Beetles ready for a night fight
Light Effect on Heliconia | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Portrait of a Cope's Vine Snake (Oxybelis brevirostris) emphasized by an Heliconia rostrata flower immersed in darkness
Carpet of Leaves | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Fantastic Poison-Dart Frog (Oophaga histrionica) sitting on the ground, in a carpet of dead leaves
The Magdalena Giant Glass Frog | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Giant glass frog (Ikakogi tayrona) endemic to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena Department of Colombia
The High Dive | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Carmelita's Rain Frog (Pristimantis carmelitae) plunging into the water from a small pond along the stream
The Seducer | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Beautiful specimen of Anolis solitarius standing on a palm fruit cluster and exhibiting its amazing throat fan
Resting after Bath | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
After its bath, this Carmelita's Rain Frog (Pristimantis carmelitae) is resting outside the pond
Imminent threat | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Tiny glassfrog quietly sitting on a large leaf, suspecting a danger coming
Well-earned Rest | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Fascinating Smooth Helmeted Iguana (Corytophanes cristatus) resting on a branch inside the vegetation
Treble Clef | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Beautiful black and yellow spiny orb weaver spider (Micrathena genus) on a twisted stick
The Poisonous King | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Splendid Poison Dart Frog (Oophaga histrionica) contemplating its little kingdom from a perch just above the ground
The Green Rocket | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Dark profile of a Carmelita's Rain Frog (Pristimantis carmelitae), endemic specie of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta in Colombia
The Flag-Bearer | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Male Anolis solitarius, endemic from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, expanding its beautiful throat fan as a way of communication
The Garden's Guardian | Chocó rainforest, Colombia
Impressive Smooth Helmeted Iguana (Corytophanes cristatus) standing at the entry of its garden
The Green Tunnel | The Llanos, Colombia
Young Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) inside a rolled-up banana leaf
The Cave of the Scorpion | Sierra Nevada, Colombia
Impressive black scorpion adopting a defensive posture, standing on some rocks
Cosy Home | The Llanos, Colombia
Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops atrox) quietly hiding in a dead palm stem
The descent from the tree | The Llanos, Colombia
Young Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) going down from a tree
Rolled up Perch | The Llanos, Colombia
Small frog (Dendrosophus mathiassoni) perched on a dry and twisted bark
The Yellow Trio
Group of three orchid flowers (Psychopsis butterfly alba) dancing in the air
The Butterfly and the Clover Flower | France
Black-veined White (Aporia crataegi) on a clover flower
Dreamy thoughts | Mindo, Ecuador
Adorable Glassfrog on a palm leaf
Two Yellow Spheres in the night | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
The incredible yellow eyes from the Taurine Spinyback Treefrog (Osteocephalus taurinus)
Lovely glassfrog shyly perched on a fiddlehead
To the Light | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Amazing White-lined Monkey Frog (Phyllomedusa vaillantii) walking on a stick
Into the curve | Mindo, Ecuador
Graphic top down view of a Palm Treefrog (Boana pellucens) on a nerved leaf
Roller Coaster | France
Ant silhouette in some roller coaster
Revelation | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Light bath for a Cope's Vine Snake (Oxybelis brevirostris)
Balance game | Mindo, Ecuador
Beautiful Palm Treefrog (Boana pelluncens) trying to keep its balance
Close Encounters of the Third Kind | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Black and yellow weevil on a young fern leaf
Still one step | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Chachi Treefrog (Boana picturata) on a Heliconia flower
Devil poison frog in its cup | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Tiny devil poison frog (Oophaga sylvatica) in a red mushroom cup
Hypnosis attempt | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Hypnotic frontal view of a Chocóan Blunt-headed Vine Snake (Imantodes Chocóensis)
Following the lines | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Black and yellow tortoise beetle on a Heliconia leaf
Black and yellow tortoise beetle | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Black and yellow tortoise beetle on a young fern leaf
Dark Spiral | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Golden beetle coming out of the darkness from a helicoidal leaf
The Yin and Yang | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Chocoan Blunt-headed Vine Snake (Imantodes chocoensis) in a Yin and Yang version
Misty Viper | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Artistic and personal representation of a Hognosed Pitviper (Porthidium nasutum)
Attack Defense | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Beautiful specimen of Black-Skinned Parrot Snake (Leptophis nigromarginatus) adopting a defense posture
Perched above magma | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Artistic and abstract vision of the Chachi Treefrog (Boana picturata), perched on a stick rising above a boilng magma
Slippery slope | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Spiky weevil on a young fern leaf
Mushroom carpet | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Wikiri Poison Frog (Ameerega bilinguis) on a red cup mushrooms carpet
Night discovery | Chocó rainforest, Ecuador
Color graded version of a Chachi Treefrog (Boana picturata)
The Giraf Frog | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Giraf Frog (Dendropsophus reticulatus) posing on a Heliconia psittacorum flower
Kermit the Frog | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Rough-skinned Green Tree Frog (Boana cinerascens) in some rolled up leaf
Arabesque | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Lovely gemstone (aka Dendropsophus reticulatus) in its jewelry case
Busted | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Awesome White-Lined Monkey Frog (Phyllomedusa vaillantii) on a leaf, spoted by the patrol
Defy the fall | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Multi-coloured Tree Lizard (Polychrus marmoratus) trying to avoid falling
Shimmers | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Troschel's Tree Frog (Boana calcarata) surrounded by shimmery bokeh
Round Palm leaf | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador
Multi-coloured Tree Lizard (Polychrus marmoratus) in a singular posture on a round palm leaf
Lichen Mantis on Orchids | Amazon rainforest, Ecuador